by Will Leisek, Occupational Therapist and Kernes Board Member
After a chilly winter, the weather is warming as we head into Spring. It’s a time to celebrate the beauty and diversity of human experience, to become our strongest, happiest selves, and to celebrate our own unique abilities. Whether you’ve been hibernating or hard at work all winter, here are a few fun things we can all do to refresh and renew body and spirit this season:
Ready to build strength and mobility, reduce arthritis pain, and gain vitality? Warm water exercise at Kernes Pool is an enjoyable, easy way to gain numerous health benefits. Water creates natural resistance that supports the weight of the body and reduces impact on joints and muscles, serving as a low-impact way to strengthen muscles and improve endurance. The warmth of the water helps promote better circulation and can be incredibly relaxing, reducing stress and improving mood. Gentle movement in warm water can also reduce intensity of pain, improve range of motion, and generally improve the level of functioning in our everyday life.
At Kernes Pool, your personal instructor will design a program just for you to reach your goals in comforting warm water. No swimming is needed and we’re with you all the way! To learn more about Kernes Pool’s programs, watch our new video and click on Start Here.
You will be amazed how gentle, warm water exercise relieves pain and helps you build strength.
It’s easy to get started in your own personalized program in our beautiful 92˚ indoor pool.
From your first visit, you will be glad you did.
Thanks to a generous donation through the Community Foundation for Monterey County, Kernes Pool is able to offer no-cost therapeutic warm water exercise for veterans through 2025. Since 2013, our Veterans and Military Family Program has provided personalized warm water exercise services for veterans of all ages and abilities. Because land-based movement can present challenges for veterans with special needs, adaptive aquatics is an effective, enjoyable alternative. Kernes Pool thanks the Community Foundation for Monterey County for being a bridge between this donor’s generosity and the needs of our veterans. Veterans are invited to enroll here, or contact us at for more information.
Kernes Pool has received critical operational funding from the Harden Foundation and the Monterey Peninsula Foundation. Their sustaining grants will help cover essential costs such as utilities, water, insurance, custodial services, supplies, and many other necessary day to day expenses of running a warm water facility. We are very grateful for their extraordinary support to keep Kernes warm, welcoming and accessible to all!
Kernes Adaptive Aquatics
Josephine Kernes Memorial Pool
15 Portola Avenue, Monterey, CA 93940
501(c)3 Non-profit, Federal Tax ID# 94-2227904